Legal Note

Name: Dr. Andreas Daniel Hartl

Address: Stranach 3, 9335 Lölling, Austria

E-Mail: andreas.hartl(at)

Phone: +436641148198

UID:  ATU70481212

WKO Firmen A-Z


  • The content of this website belongs to Andreas Daniel Hartl. Any redistribution or reproduction is prohibited except with written permission from the owner.
  • If you notice any copyright issues on this website, please contact us.

Data Privacy Statement

The protection of your personal data is an important concern for us. Consequently, we process your data solely on the basis of corresponding laws (DSGVO, TKG 2003).  In the following we will inform you about the main aspects of data processing on our website.

  • Cookies: This website may use cookies. These are small text files, which are stored using a web browser on a device. They are not harmful. Cookies are used to make this webpage more customer-friendly. Some cookies remain on your device until you delete them. They allow us to recognize your browser on the next visit. If you do not want such behavior, you can configure your browser to inform you about the creation of cookies and to allow it only in individual cases. If cookies are deactivated, the functionality of this webpage may be limited.

  • Rights: You have the right for information, correction, deletion, restriction, transfer, revocation and objection of your data. If you think the processing of your data infringes data privacy laws, you can bring in a complaint at the Austrian agency for data privacy.

  • Contact: You can reach us using the following e-mail address: andreas.hartl(at)